29, Basava Bhavana, Bheema Samudra Road, Davalagiri Extension, 2nd Stage, Chitradurga, 577501, Karnataka, India+91-9483519988 prahladnb@gmail.com

    • JULY 24, 2024
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    Birds of Chitradurga – Part 3

    Birds of Chitradurga – Part 3

    Indian Robin (Saxicoloides fulicatus) Indian Robins are small, ground-dwelling passerines that are commonly found in South Asia. Key Characteristics of Indian Robin: Indian Robins are widely distributed and are a common sight in their range. Their distinctive appearance and active behavior make them easy to identify and a delight to observe in their natural habitats.

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    • JULY 23, 2024
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    Birds of Chitradurga – Part 2

    Birds of Chitradurga – Part 2

    Red-vented Bulbul (Pycnonotus cafer) Red-vented Bulbuls are common and widespread in South Asia, known for their distinctive appearance and melodious calls. Key Characteristics of Red-vented Bulbul: Red-vented Bulbuls play an important role in seed dispersal due to their fruit-eating habits and are a common sight in their range, making them one of the most familiar

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    • JULY 22, 2024
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    Birds of Chitradurga – Part 1

    Birds of Chitradurga – Part 1

    Chitradurga, located in the state of Karnataka, is a region rich in natural beauty and biodiversity. Among its many ecological treasures, the birdlife of Chitradurga stands out as a remarkable aspect of its natural heritage. The region’s diverse habitats, ranging from scrublands and rocky outcrops to lush wetlands and agricultural fields, provide an ideal environment

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    • JULY 20, 2024
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    The Avian Ecosystem at Mallapura Lake

    The Avian Ecosystem at Mallapura Lake

    Approximately 570 years ago, when Bichchugatti Bharamanna Nayaka built the Mallapura Lake close to Chitradurga Town, he couldn’t have foreseen the legacy he would leave behind. This impressive water body, initially designed to provide a reliable source of drinking water and irrigation for agriculture, has since evolved into a sanctuary for a myriad of avian

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